Issue 05 Preview

Listen to a little of what’s to come in Queer Out Here Issue 05.

Reflecting how the world and our relationship with the outdoors have changed in 2020, Issue 05 will be released in a few weeks… and it’s going to be a two-parter! Until then, here’s a preview to pique your interest.

Information about Issue 05 Preview

Length: 2:00

File size: 3.8MB

Transcript: Google Docs

Content notes: Be aware that there is some wind distortion and loud audio in this clip. There are mentions of COVID-19 and of struggling for breath underwater and allusions to family estrangement. Please let us know if there is anything else we should warn for.

You can also find this preview on Vimeo, SoundCloud and YouTube (including a glimpse of our crafty new cover by Emily Doyle). Feel free to share this preview with your people and keep an ear out for Issue 05, coming soon!

Here’s a peek of some of the sounds from Issue 05, reflecting how the world and our relationship with the outdoors has changed in 2020. The special, two-sided issue will be released soon. You can find Queer Out Here on various podcatcher apps or go to to stream/download issues. Transcript coming soon: Cover art (extract) by Emily Doyle.