Issue 03 Preview

A tantalising taste of what’s on the menu in Queer Out Here Issue 03.

The wonderful poems, conversations, music, diaries, monologues and field recordings of Issue 03 will be served up to you in a week or two. Until then, whet your appetite with this snack!

Information about Issue 03 Preview

Length: 1:48

File size: 3.5MB (.mp3)

Transcript: Google Docs

Content notes: We don't think there's anything to flag up in this preview. If you notice something we've missed, please send us an email so we can add a note here.

You can also find this preview on Vimeo (below), SoundCloud and YouTube (including a sneak preview of our super new cover by Dev Moore). Watch, listen, share! We hope you’re looking forward to Issue 03 as much as we are.

A tantalising taste of what’s on the menu in Queer Out Here Issue 03. Queer Out Here is an audio zine that explores the outdoors from queer/LGBTQIA+ perspectives - and Issue 03 is coming soon! You can find Queer Out Here on various podcatcher apps or go to to stream/download issues. Cover art (extract) by Dev Moore: